Call for Thematic Session Proposals at the Brazil-China Joint Mathematical Meeting – Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil

Proposals of thematic sessions at Brazil-China Joint Mathematical Meeting are welcomed by the Organizing Committee. Early submission of proposals is encouraged: good proposals will be approved on a regular basis before the deadline, so that session speakers may be invited with enough time to make travel and funding arrangements.

A proposal should include :

– the names, affiliations and contact information (including email addresses) of all the organizers, with one organizer designated as “contact organizer”,

– a title and a brief presentation of the topic and scope (up to one page),

– the list of speakers including the tentative title and abstract of each talk.

Each special session will consist from 8 to 12 talks of 30 minutes distributed over slots of at most 4 talks each.

The list of speakers must include mathematicians from Brazil and China. Preference will be given to proposals whose list of suggested speakers represents diversity in all aspects.

Proposals must be sent to:

Template for submissions

More information:

Important dates

Call for thematic sessions: Oct. 31st, 2022
Session submission: extended deadline, Feb., 15th, 2023
Session acceptance notice: Jan. 30th — Feb. 28th, 2023

Abstract/Contributed talk submission: Feb., 1st — Mar., 1st, 2023
Acceptance notice: Apr., 1st, 2023

Early registration: Mar, 1st — Jun., 1st, 2023
Registration: Jul., 1st, 2023
Conference: Jul., 17 — 21, 2023