Round Table 1: The actions of Committees of Gender and Diversity

Marcia Barbosa
UFRGS, Brazil, Member of Committee of Gender and Diversity of TWAS

Cintya Benedito
Unesp, Member of Committee of Gender and Diversity of SBM/SBMAC

Mariel Saez
PUC/Chile, Member of Colectivo de mujeres matemáticas en Chile

Christina Brech
USP, Member of Committee of Gender and Diversity of UMALCA

Vanderlan da Silva Bolzani
UNESP, TWAS member, moderator
Round Table 2: 40 years of birthday of Revista do Professor de Matemática

Ana Catarina Hellmeister
member of the editorial board of Revista do Professor de Matemática

Pastore de Mello
member of the editorial board of Revista do Professor de Matemática

Edmilson Luis Motta
Editor-in Chief of Revista do Professor de Matemática

Maria Elisa E. L. Galvão
member of the editorial board of Revista do Professor de Matemática

Renate Watanabe
Honorary member of the editorial board of Revista do Professor de Matemática (to be confirmed)
Round Table 3: “How can mathematics be used to address global challenges?”

José Alberto Culminato

Carlile Lavor

Nancy Garcia

Paulo Artaxo
IF, USP, TWAS member

Roberto Imbuzeiro
Impa (moderator)
Round Table 4: “Opportunities for young researchers”
- DAAD Representatives
- EURAXESS Representatives
- Humboldt Foundation Representatives (to be confirmed)
- Baylat Representatives (to be confirmed)
- FAPESP Representatives (to be confirmed)
- Paolo Piccione (USP) – moderator