A message from the Brazilian mathematical community

The Brazilian Mathematical Society (SBM) and the Brazilian Society for Computational and Applied Mathematics (SBMAC) are honored to invite the mathematical community to take part in the first Brazil-Mexico Joint Mathematical Meeting, which will be held in Fortaleza, Brazil, from September 8 to 12, 2025. This event is a partnership with the Mexican Mathematical Society (SMM).

Brazil and Mexico play a leadership role in Latin American mathematics and have a strong tradition of fostering international partnerships. In particular, there has been longstanding collaboration between researchers from both countries. We believe that a dedicated bilateral event will strengthen existing partnerships and create opportunities for new forms of cooperation.

The program consists of five days of plenary lectures and thematic sessions, along with contributed sessions, poster sessions, and other activities that foster a positive environment for informal discussions.

We look forward to meeting you in Fortaleza.

Jaqueline Godoy Mesquita
President of SBM

Carlos Hoppen
President of SBMAC